Seems as if with every news alert of some untoward happening, some member of Congress loudly proclaims ‘Congressional oversight demands an investigation!’ Yeah, why not? They never seem to be doing anything constructive, so why not busy themselves by “investigating”? And you know damn well NOTHING ever seems to result except a LOT of money is spent and LOTS of Congressmen get to loudly pontificate and puff up their chests for th’ folks back home instead of asking germane questions. Guess you know members of Congress can say whatever they please about anybody or anything while on their respective floor and cannot be held accountable?
My question. Who th’ hell investigates Congress? Why should they be immune to being investigated? Yeah, I know, some will say voters “investigate” Congress every two and four years, but that’s not true! Voters simply have the opportunity to pronounce judgement in the face of self-indulgent excuses proffered by politicians running for reelection.
Why can’t “we th’ people” have an Inspector General representing “us voters” to investigate actions and inactions, done and not done by Congress? To hold hearings, ask pointed questions, subpoena Congressmen to be questioned under oath…..and place them in jail for evading, quibbling or failing to truthfully answer questions, just as Congressional committees threaten fellow citizens. Ah but, we all know members of Congress are a special class of citizens and are exempt from being investigated….BY ANYONE!
As I believe Pogo said, “We have met the enemy and he is us!”